HOLGUIN - Italian emigration was the protagonist in Cuba on the second day of the Ibero-American congress underway in Holguín, Cuba. Representing the Belpaese were the director of kalabriatv.it and President of the Vibo Valentia chapter of the Filitalia International Nicola Pirone together with the anthropologist Giuseppe Cinquegrana.
From the lounge of the Pernik hotel in Holguin, coordinated by Lilianne Avilés, specialist in international relations for Casa de Iberoamérica, the two launched a new warning, to take into consideration Italian emigration as a historical moment to be taught to children in schools. The first goal, Pirone and Cinquegrana have achieved since Casa de Iberoamerica through the educational program within its study center will deal precisely with the phenomenon that has affected Italy, in particular the South, effectively emptying it. A plague that after more than 150 years remains current, especially for young people who are increasingly inclined to leave their homeland. Once, people ran away from hunger today for a mentality that in Calabria is slow to change and that does not allow many to be able to pursue personal fulfillment. In their talks, lasting 15 minutes each, the director of Kalabriatv and the anthropologist Vibonese touched upon various aspects of the history of migration, starting from the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus up to the present day. As for the Italians in Cuba, there was a discussion on the new presences, with reference to the business world.
There was no lack of links with Italy and Calabria, with the UniCaribe project of the Unical of Cosenza, which every year offers scholarships for Cuban students. The Calabrian emigration, as Professor Giuseppe Cinquegrana explains, greatly impressed those who were present and who had never before been made aware of this issue. All this, referring to the documentary book "The American Dream", published just three months ago and which is already attracting interest in Italian and Calabrian communities abroad. The protagonist Italian emigration to Cuba means that the interest abroad in what is happening in Italy is always alive, so much so that the Cuban, Italian and international media have given ample space. This will only be the first step towards greater dissemination of the history of emigration, with the support of the Vibo Valentia chapter of Filitalia International and kalabriatv.it.