ROME - In a long note sent to the members of the Italian Identity Association - Italians Abroad, the President Aldo Rovito commented on the birth of the new Italian Government, wishing best of lucks but not hiding the disappointment for the failure to establish the Ministry for Italians Abroad.
Here is the complete text:
"Less than a month before the elections of 25 September, the new government is born in Italy, an expression of the vote of the Italians who have given confidence and a solid majority in the two branches of Parliament to the center-right coalition and, in particular to the party of the Brothers of 'Italy led by Giorgia Meloni.
After discounting the congratulations on the appointment and the customary wishes, it seems right to underline that what is born in these days is the first Italian government led by a woman: it is a fact of historical importance as all observers declare and also for this reason they are congratulations and best wishes are even more necessary.
From a quick examination of the new Ministers it seems to us that we can say that both the so-called "technicians" and the "politicians" are all people of good level and experience in the sectors entrusted to them. For the sectors that may interest us most closely, no one can question the skills and international experience of the new Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani (he was Vice President of the European Commission, Commissioner for Transport President of the European Parliament). Even the new Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, (director of the Rai 2 newscast, author of numerous historical essays, has a curriculum as a respectable essayist and journalist). The new Minister of Education, Giuseppe Valditara, professor of Legal Matters at the University of Turin, connoisseur of the world of education for previous posts, is also appreciated among professionals. We recommend both of you not to neglect the importance of Italian Cultural Institutes and state - and non-state - Italian schools abroad: they take care of them with special attention, to restore them, especially the schools, to their former glory.
Even the new name given to some ministries seems to us to indicate a desire for change that we hope will not stop at the declaration of principle, but can be expressed in concrete acts of government. We think of the Ministry of Education to which the addition "and of merit" indicates a significant turnaround, after more than 50 years of flattening down the level of Education in Italy, or the Ministry of Agriculture which with the addition “and food sovereignty” seems to want to send an important signal for the protection of Italian products from falsification, as well as from absurd provisions coming from Brussels.
Of course we are only at the beginning: we will have months before we can evaluate concrete acts of government and, as regards the problems of Italians abroad, we will not give any discount to this government, as we have not done to those that preceded it, from birth of our Association (October 2019) to date. Therefore, we cannot remain silent and hide the strong disappointment for the missed opportunity to establish the Ministry for Italians Abroad (something that many had hoped for, recalling how it was the first center-right government to have established this Ministry by entrusting it to the late Mirko Tremaglia). We hope that the choice that will be made in the next few days by the Undersecretary to this important post which concerns 6 million Italian emigrants and at least 80 million Italian descendants scattered across all continents will be such as to make us overcome this initial disappointment ".