NEW YORK - With the last meeting of Comites New York , the first year of activity of the Committee of Italians Abroad residing in the US Big Apple ended. Tristate representatives unanimously expressed great satisfaction with the work done so far. Promoters and protagonists of many important initiatives and events that have had a large following and considerable media resonance.
Numerous initiatives during this 2022 from the enogastronomical events to Columbus day, a dense calendar of events which aimed to "to strengthen that bond with the motherland, promoting that Italian spirit, of Made in Italy, through knowledge of history, culture, tractions, with an eye towards the language"
“In summary - concluded the president Alessandro Crocco in an interview - the Italian community, with that disruptive, stubborn and aware force that distinguishes it, must be guided and directed to respond to the challenges of change and conquer a dignified position in the processes and that new globalization which, even and above all after the pandemic, increasingly looks to communities as the value and essence of actions and choices".