The last wave of bad weather in Italy hit the South Centre, devastating olive groves, breaking their branches and damaging their crowns, and uncovering greenhouses; there is alarm for the sowing of vegetables and fruits, from artichokes to radicchio, from cauliflowers to cabbages, from salads to kiwis, from oranges to table grapes. The extreme situation caused in Italy by water bombs and patchy tornadoes for the arrival of cyclone Poppea also risks compromising the autumn sowing of wheat and barley just when the country needs to exploit all its productive potential to defend itself from the speculative effects of the war in Ukraine and from those of climate change in Italy and the rest of the world. The exceptional nature of atmospheric events has now become the norm even in Italy: there is an evident tendency to topicalization that manifests itself with a higher frequency of extreme events with seasonal and territorial lags, short and intense rainfall and the rapid transition from the sun to bad weather, with significant thermal shocks. With the last storms, 146 extreme events have ravaged the Peninsula in November after a long period of anomalous heat and drought.