Italy celebrated National Tree Day with 6.6 million new trees owing to NRP funds to create green corridors between towns and countryside, minimize summer heat islands, fortify soil against water bombs, and purify smog-polluted air. The planting of new trees is essential for addressing the problem of a lack of green spaces in cities where there is only 33.8 square meters of urban green per resident, focusing on a large urban redevelopment plan of parks and gardens that improves the population's air quality and quality of life by boosting the economy and employment. According to ISTAT, the situation is far worse in the city, where numbers vary from 15.2 square meters in Messina to 17.1 in Rome, 17.8 in Milan to 22.2 in Florence, 42.4 in Venice to 9.2 in Bari. But green also enhances the quality of life in cities, given that each adult plant can absorb between 100 and 250 grams of fine particles from the air, and one hectare of plants may absorb up to 20,000 kg of carbon dioxide per year.